As you know, we’re all pretty health conscious around here. So, in honor of St. Patty’s Day AND March being the official Eye Health Awareness month, we wanted to post our Scrumptious Shamrock Smoothie recipe. Yes of course its #vegan. Yes of course it’s #paleo. Yes of course it’s #dairy-free and #sugar-free. And do you even have to ask…IT IS INDEED MAGICAL!
Scrumptious Shamrock Smoothie:
1 banana peeled and frozen
1 cup loosely packed spinach
1/4 cup packed mint leaves
1/2 cup almond milk (you can substitute with soy or coconut)
1-2 drops pure peppermint extract
4 ice cubes
Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Voila! You’ve got yourself a delicious and healthy shamrock smoothie! You’re also getting lutein from spinach, which has an antioxidant function of collecting in the center of the retina, supporting the structure of delicate photoreceptors and filtering out certain types of light that cause damage. Woohoo! #goinggreen #getyourgreenon