Superfoods to Boost Eye Health

Written by Lisa DiMauro | October 9th, 2017


There is a pretty good chance that my spec obsession surpasses that of the average individual. I figured this out when my best friend was getting married last year and the first thought that came to my mind when she told me she was engaged was “I need to go shopping for new frames!” I was so incredibly excited for her and her beau, but it was just so tempting to fantasize about all the events that would require new frames – bachelorette party, bridal showers, the rehearsal dinner and the list goes on. I knew I would be seeing a lot of people I hadn’t seen in a while and, given the fact that I had just had a baby, I felt that it was time to re-invent myself!

Being the spec-a-nista that I am, I realize that maintaining good eye health and fashion are not mutually exclusive. I am quite religious about my checkups and make sure to practice what I preach. I like to follow the old adage of you are what you eat in order to boost my eye health in simple ways every day. Here is a list I put together for the top 5 foods that improve your eye health…as well as your general health!

1. Carrots

It might sound cliché but these little guys pack a power house of vitamins in a bite-size crunch. Carrots are chock full of vitamin A which, along with vitamins C (have some OJ to wash your carrots down!) and E – helps to reduce the impact of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

2. Wild Salmon

Salmon, along with other superfoods such as eggs and nuts, is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which can help protect tiny blood vessels in the eye.

3. Chia seeds

The boost of nutrients you will get from adding a handful of chia seeds to your morning yogurt or your afternoon smoothie is unparalleled. This superfood has got you covered for your omega 3s, calcium and antioxidants!

4. Dark Green, Leafy Vegetables

Have you noticed that dark green, leafy vegetables show up on every single food list? It is for good reason! Loaded with vitamin C, beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, these greens will protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.

5. Bell Peppers

Last but certainly not least, bright colored red bell peppers provide 100% of your recommended daily value of vitamins A and C. It also helps that red bell peppers fill you up quickly thereby curbing your appetite away from junk!

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